Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Still new to the blogging world. Honestly don't care whether people see this or not, so long as it's out there. Nothing incredibly new or revelatory came to me in the night, but when I woke up this morning the first thing I thought was....nope nothing revelatory there either. In fact the thoughts in my head when I wake up in the morning is a mixture of several bad vegetables; they are bad enough on their own, but mixed up their are twice as bad.

In fact it can be hard to place reality alongside the tumultuous, subconscious events of the previous night. The first thing to establish is where you are; I have woken up a number of times convinced I was still in the White House, Jessica Alba's bed or pointing a gun at Osama/George Bush (yes these names can be used interchangeably, with the exception that one is a bloodsucking terrorist, and the other a Saudi Arabian).

Once I have established that I am indeed on my own bed (or on the floor, depending on whether Jessica's bf comes back/George Bush learns Karate) I begin the day with a positive thought.
Ok, yes I know, when it comes to waking up in the morning; positive is RELATIVE. An average positive morning thought can range from ohhhsgggggg, to 'why do I have to be alive'.
Mine, mostly take on a less morbid twist, ranging from arggagag, to a sarcastic 'what a beautiful day'; really wishing that the world will just swallow me up till I get some good sleep. (which is what happens anyways; the earth swallows you up, then you come out the other end, feeling like sh*t)...

Now comes the getting up part. This can take anywhere from one hour, to 5 minutes; and it all depends on how much important stuff you need to do. The unspoken rule is that the more important your work is, the more you sleep in (not applying to the nights before exams, dentist appointments, and meeting your girlfriends parents; in which you stay up the entire night not wanting to face the day; yet wanting it to be over as well).

For me, its on the weekends when I finally get to sleep in that I find myself bolt upright, with positive thoughts like 'what was the point of that vampire movie', or 'where is my pillow'. After this, I find I am bright and ready to face the day. Yet on the weekdays....

Then for the next three hours, similar to the crappy vampire/zombie movie that I was forced to watch last night, I walk around in a state of bewilderment until today I thought it'd be a great idea to hammer out the twisted state of waking up into a blog post...

Enough Said...

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